Solecast 27 "Beyond Democracy" w/ a crimethinc participant


“Generals always are fighting the last war
We want to be fighting the next war”

Solecast 27 is a discussion of crimethinc’s most recent text, “From Democracy To Freedom.”  Sole sits down with one of the crimethinc’s participants to have a wide ranging conversation about the perils of representative democracy and direct democracy.  Crimethinc makes the distinction between freedom and democracy, that we need to begin a rigorous examination of the notion of democracy if we are ever going to create a truly liberatory politics.  

“Democracy To Freedom ” is a reflection on many of the most recent resistance movements and revolutions, all fighting for one form of democracy or another.  Why has every revolution failed?  What is democracy exactly?  Everyone from dictators to protestors to presidents express their love of democracy, its become a stand in for everything and nothing.   

“The things we hold in common are not the most beautiful things about us.”

Topics of discussion:
- Democracy’s origins as a system of control, the rulers vs the ruled.  Citizens vs non citizens.  
- Democracy as a race to the middle
- Bernie Mania & The electoral spectacle
- How revolutionary projects & technologies get picked up and used by our enemies
- What happens when our demands are actually met?
- The role of policing
- Developing egalitarian systems of cooperation vs coersive institutions
- Creating spaces of encouter vs governing bodies

“The only hope of the human race is to find new ways of living in which we are not trying to rule each other.”

More information:
From Democracy to Freedom text
From Democracy to Freedom Audiozine: