Solecast 22 w/ Alexander Reid Ross on The Oregon Standoff, Fascism In The States & The Global Land Grab

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Interview Recorded at the 3rd annual Phoenix Anti-capitalist Conference

Fresh from reporting from inside the Oregon Militia standoff, Sole speaks with Alexander “Sasha” Reid Ross on his work. Sasha is a co-moderator for the Earth First! Newswire, author, and contributor to Counterpunch & Its Going Down. His most recent book “Grabbing Back,” out now on AK Press is about the battle over public space. Sole & Sasha have a critical discusson of the Oregon Militia Standoff, its wider implication for the right wing/ patriot movement in the states and tie it in with the struggle all over the world over public space.

Topics discussed include:

- Oregon Militia Stand-off and fascist elements that played a role in it
-The link between the so called “patriot” movement, their white supremacist roots and a brief but highly informative history of the modern movement.
- The long term implications of Donald Trump’s electoral bid & the origins of the racist language he uses
- “The Global Land Grab” and the battle over the commons and private property being waged all over the world.
- The interconnected-ness of the struggle between the global loss of urban and rural land public space.